Geology along Hiromi Line, Meitetsu

This guide is prepared for understanding geology in some areas along the Hiromi Line of Nagoya Rail Way.  In addition to the Hiromi Line, some areas along the Komaki Line and the Kagamigahara Line are also introduced.



T History of the Hiromi Line                                        

U Outline of geology                                                   

V Zenjino, Mt. Tsugao, and Tomioka-mae                      

W Kanigawa, Mt. Hatobuki and Nishi-Kani                      

X Nihon Rain Imawatari                                              

Y Shin-Kani and Shimogiri                                           

Z Akechi and the Yaotsu Line remain                           

[ Mitake, Mitake-guchi and Godo                                 

\ Haguro and Gakuden (the Komaki Line)                      

] Shin-Unuma (the Kagamigahara Line)                        

Summary: Geology along the Hiromi Line under the geologic framework of Japan    

Appendices: Base of geology, Mineral resources and Sub-surface geology              



T.History of the Hiromi Line

The Hiromi Line has one century history since opening the rail way between Hiromi (Shin-Kani, now) and Mitake in 1920.  The line has a few historical steps such as extending the rail way and belonging to Nagoya Rail Way.

1900; Establishing National rail way station Tajimi

1912; Proposal of the rail way between Tajimi and Mitake by the local communities

1918; Start the line of Hiromi (Shin-Kani, now) to Shin-Tajimi (11.8 km)

1920; Start the line of Hiromi (Shin-Kani, now) to Mitake (6.8 km)

1925; Start the line of Inuyama-guchi to Imawatari (12.4 km) by Nagoya Rail Way (Imawatari Line)

1926; The line between Shin-Tajimi and Hiromi was to be managed by Government.

On the other hand, the line of Hiromi (Shin-Kani, now) to Mitake by Tobi Rail Way.

1928; Start the line of Hiromi to Mino-Ohta.  Completion of National (JR, now) Taita Line.

     The Mitake Line, Tobi Rail Way, was electrified.

1929; Start the line of Imawatari to Hiromi by Nagoya Rail Way, named Hiromi Line

1930; Start the Yaotsu Line by Tobi Rail Way

1943; Tobi Rail Way was merged to Nagoya Rail Way.

1965; The line of Shin-Hiromi to Mitake and the Yaotsu Line were electrically powered up.

     The train directly runs from Nagoya.

1984; The Yaotsu Line was changed a rail bus system.

2001; The Yaotsu Line was abolished.

Since 2010; Line of Shin-Kani to Mitake has been supported by Mitake town and Kani city.


U.Outline of Geology


The Hiromi Line, Meitetsu Rail Way, runs from Inuyama to Mitake.  Geology along this line consists of Mesozoic strata of Mino Belt, Cretaceous granite and Upper Cenozoic strata.

This leaflet introduces some excursion routes for understanding geology.  Each station area has some view points on geology.


Inuyama; Terminal station for Nagoya Rail Way (Meitetsu).

Tomioka-mae and Zenjino; Miocene mudstone and Mesozoic chert.

Nishi-kani and Kanigawa; Miocene volcanic conglomerate and Mesozoic chert and Manganese mines.

Nihon-Rain Imawatari; Miocene volcanic conglomerate and tuffaceous sandstone.

Shin-Kani; Pliocene gravel and Miocene sandstone and mudstone.

Akechi; Terminal station of the Yaotsu Line (abandoned railway).  Manganese mine near Yaotsu station.

Godo, Mitakeguchi and Mitake; Pliocene gravel, Miocene sandstone and mudstone, Mesozoic chert, sandstone and mudstone and granite.


Table Summary of the geology

Geologic age

Geologic division



Geological history







Gentle slope deposits

Mudflow deposits

Terrace deposits







Gravel, sand and mud

Gravel, sand and mud

Gravel, scoria and mud

Gravel and sand


Alluvial plain


Volcanic detritus







Toki Sandy Gravel F.

Nakamura Formation

Hachiya Formation






Gravel and sand

Sandstone and mudstone

Pyroclastic rocks




Terrestrial volcanics









Granitic rocks

Felsic magmatism







Mino Complex

Kamiaso Unit










Mudstone with clasts

Sandstone and mudstone

Siliceous mudstone








Based on Yoshida and Wakita (1999).


2Outline of geology

This district is composed of Mesozoic Mino Sedimentary Complex (Mino Belt), Late Cretaceous granitic rocks, Early Miocene Hachiya and Nakamura Formations of Mizunami Group, Early Pliocene Toki Sandy Gravel Formation, Pleistocene terrace deposits and Holocene alluvium deposits.  The following description is based on Yoshida and Wakita (1999).


21 General remarks

The district covers the border area of Aichi and Gifu Prefectures and is topographically occupied by the Mino Mountains in northern half and the Nobi Plain in southern half.  The Kiso River runs from northeast to southwest in northern area.

The Mino Mountains consist of Mino Sedimentary Complex and the Nobi Plain is floored with Middle to Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.  Small granitic bodies in Late Cretaceous age are intruded into the Mino Complex.  The Early Miocene Hachiya and Nakamura Formations and Early Pliocene Toki Sandy Gravel Formation overlie the complex in the hilly region and underlie Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Nobi Plain.



Geologic map based on the Seamless geologic map of GSJ.  The frame shows the mapped area in each chapter.



22 Geology

Mino Sedimentary Complex

The Mino Sedimentary Complex of Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous age is the oldest formation in this guide area.  The complex in this guide is tectonically characterized by the assemblages of the tectonic slices that are composed of siliceous claystone (Late Permian to Early Triassic), bedded chert (Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic), siliceous mudstone (Middle Jurassic), the alternation of sandstone and mudstone and massive sandstone (Middle to Late Jurassic).

Cretaceous Granite

The granitic rocks crop out south of Mitake station and east of Haguro station.  They may belong to Cretaceous Naegi Granite, Sanyo Zone.  They may be petrographically granite to granodiorite.  K-feldspar phenocryst shows ENE-WSW direction and gentle plunge in lineation structure in Mitake area.

Upper Cenozoic

The upper Cenozoic in this guide are divided into the Lower Mizunami Group, the Lower Pliocene Tokai Group, Middle to Late Pleistocene sediments (mostly terrace deposit), and Holocene alluvial sediments.

The Mizunami Group is divided into the Hachiya and Nakamura Formations in ascending order.  The Hachiya Formation consists chiefly of andesitic pyroclastic rocks.  The U-Pb age in zircon is 22.38±0.17Ma in the lowest part of the formation.  The Nakamura Formation is mostly composed of interbedded sandstone and mudstone.  These formations are of non-marine origin.

The upper sediments of the Tokai Group are of alluvial fan origin and called the Toki Sandy Gravel Formation.  It is composed of gravel to sandy gravel.  Zircon in this formation gives 3.94±0.07Ma of U-Pb age and 3.97±0.39Ma of fission track age.

Middle to Late Pleistocene sediments can be divided into gravelly terrace deposits and mudflow deposits.   The terrace deposits are subdivided into a few deposits in the Seamless Geologic Map of GSJ but will be described as only terrace deposits in this guide.  The mudflow deposits may be originated from the Kiso-Ontake Volcano.  Holocene alluvial sediments are made up of gravel, sand and mud. Most of them are valley bottom plain deposits.


23 Mineral resources

Manganese ore is embedded in the chert of the Mino Complex.  Small manganese mines were once operated in the mapped area and were all closed by the end of the 1970s.



V. Zenjino-Mt.Tsugao-Tomiokamae


Mesozoic cherty rocks (Jch) crop out in the mountain area including Mt. Tsugao.  Neogene sandstone and mudstone of the Nakamura Formation (N1ss) occur in the foot of the mountain.  Pliocene sediment layer of the Toki Gravel Formation (N3cg) is widespread overlying the Nakamura Formation.  Terrace deposits are found in flat plain of the low land.  Alluvium deposits distribute in valley bottoms. 

Visit points

(1) The explanation board on the Kiso Road and the Zenjino Spot.

(2) Milestone of the Kiso Road.

(3) Exposure of chert.

(4) Obora Pond.

(5) Mudstone of the Nakamura Formation is exposed on the mountain path.

(6) Bedded chert is exposed everywhere along the ridge.

(7) Summit of Mt. Tsugao, Triangulation target point.

(8) Tumulus along the mountain path.

(9) Lignite layer in the Nakamura Formation.

(10) Sediments of the Toki Formation crop out in the path.



W.Kanigawa - Mt. Hatobuki - Nishikani


Chert (Jch) in the Kami-Aso unit of the Mino Complex and sediments of the Hachiya and Nakamura Formations (N1v, N1ss) in the Mizunami Group are cropped out in this area.  Besides these terrace deposits, slope sediments and alluvium deposits are also distributed.  Chert contains Triassic and Jurassic radiolarian fossils but formation of complex established in Middle Jurassic.  The Mizunami Group ranges lower to upper Miocene.

Visit points

(1) The board A scenic spot Demons island’” is set on the Tokai nature pass.  Lapilli tuff and tuffaceous sandstone of the Hachiya Formation are exposed along the Kanigawa River.                                                            

(2) The Miocene Hachiya Formation is contacted with Jurassic chert complex in abut relation.  Chert contains manganese mineral deposits.  Some tunnel entrances of the abandoned mines are found.

(3) Chert layer is exposed at the cliff under the bridge.

(4) A monument for the Dota castle ruin.

(5) Chert is exposed along a path toward Mt. Hatobuki.  We can see the closed manganese mine entrance on the way.

(6) Summit of Mt. Hatobuki. 

(7) Chert is exposed along the path from Mt. Hatobuki to Nishikani station.

(8) Chert is exposed around the grave park.  Chert here shows fold structure.

(9) Lapilli tuff of the Hachiya Formation is exposed along the road in the residence area.

(10) The Neogene Nakamura Formation is exposed at south of the national road no. 41.  Sedimentary structure such as cross lamination is visible.

(11) Mudstone of the Nakamura Formation is exposed along the road.

(12) Lapilli tuff (the Hachiya Formation) is piled up to mudstone (the Nakamura Formation).  





The Hachiya Formation (N1v), Early Miocene, crops out along Kiso-River.  It is composed of lapilli tuff and sandstone containing silicified woods.  Flat plain surface is terrace deposit (t) or alluvium (a).

Visit points

(1) The Hachiya Formation is distributed over the down side of the Imawatari Dum.

(2) Sandstone of the Hachiya Formation shows cross lamination under Shin-Ota Bridge.

(3) The Fossil Grove Park is settled on the riverbank in Mino-Kamo City.

(4) Silicified wood is well preserved along left bank of the Kiso River, Kani City.

(5) Tuff breccia of the Hachiya Formation is exposed under the Chuno-Ohashi Bridge.



Y.Shin-Kani and Shimogiri


First, trace southward along the Tokai Nature Path, southeast of Shin-Kani Station, then, apart the Nature Pass, trace through Asahi Elementary School to JR Shimogiri Station.

The low flat plane is terrace surface (t1).  The hill is composed of Miocene sandstone dominant formation, the Nakamura Formation (N1ss) and Pliocene sandy gravel layer, the Toki Sandy Gravel Formation (N3cg).

Visit points

(1) Guide board of the Tokai Nature Path.

(2) Outcrops of sandstone.

(3) Outcrops of sandstone and mudstone. Cross lamination is common in sandstone.

(4) Mudstone is exposed on the river bed.

(5) Gravel layer near Asahi Elementary School.

(6) Gravel layer.



Z.Yaotsu abandoned line from Akechi


Geological excursion points are shown around the Yaotsu Line from Akechi to Yaotsu.  The railway has been abandoned and bus transportation is now working.

In this area, chert (Jch) and sandstone and mudstone (Jss) of the Mino Complex (Mino Belt), the Hachiya Formation (N1v) and the Nakamura Formation (N1ss), terrace deposits (t) and alluvium (a) are exposed.

Visit points

(1) Yaotsu Station remain.  A part of rail is left with a monument.

(2) Chert crops out along a road, 800 m southwest of the Yaotsu Station.  The manganese abandoned mine entrance is found.

(3) Kaneyama Dum is seen well from here.

(4) Chert is exposed near Kaneyama Bridge.  Chert is exposed around the Kaneyama Dam site but it is difficult to go down the river.

(5) Kaneyama Station remain.  Area is used a small park.

(6) Tunnel remain near Kaneyama Station.  Geology here is mudstone in Mesozoic.

(7) The castle ruin is trailed from the Kaneyama Station.



[. Mitake, Godo and Mitakeguchi


This area geologically consists of chert (Jch) and sandstone with mudstone (Jss) in Mino Belt, Cretaceous granite (K2gr), the Nakamura Formation (N1ss) and the Toki sandy gravel (N3cg).  In addition, terrace deposits (t) are distributed in low lands.

Excursion course is from Mitake through Mitake Forest Park and Flower Festival Park to Godo or Mitakeguchi.  Long distance route from Mitake through ridge, Kukuri, Tokai Nature path to JR Shimogiri is out of the above map area but useful for understanding Miocene stratigraphy.

Visit points

(1) Granite is exposed along the road (forest road Maruyama Line) in the Mitake Forest Park. K feldspar phenocrysts show 1-2cm in long axis. Matrix part of this granite is petrographically medium-grained granodiorite showing around 10 in color index.  The granite intrudes the sandstone layer. The intrusion contact is N15 °E in strike and vertical in dip.

(2) Gravel layer of the Toki Formation crops around the mountain ridge.

(3) Gravel layer of the Toki Formation crops along the mountain trail.

(4) Mudstone and sandstone of the Nakamura Formation are exposed at the slope. The Nakamura F. continues along the paved road.

(5) The sandstone of Mesozoic Formation is exposed under the high voltage electric line in national road 475. Strata show strike of N75 °W and dip of 75 degrees S.

(6) Mudstone and sandstone of the Nakamura F. are locally exposed from the point (5). After passing the Flower Festa Memorial Park entrance, there is the mountain path to a small Shinto shrine. The mountain path is arranged. Cherty rocks are exposed around the top of the mountain. The rocks are named Wagata Oiwa.

(7) The exposure of the Nakamura F.

(8) Sandstone intercalating mudstone (Jss) crops out.  Bedded chert is also exposed.



\. Haguro and Gakuden, Komaki Line (Mt. Owarifuji and Mt. Hongu)

Haguro Station is the nearest station for Mt. Owari Fuji and Gakuden Station is the nearest station for Mt. Hongu. Short courses for either of the two mountains can also be enjoyable.


Jurassic accretionary complex and Cretaceous granite (gK2) crop in the mountainous area.  The former is composed of chert (Jch), sandstone with or without mudstone layers (Jss) and mixed rock in mudstone matrix (Jms).  Toki gravel (N3cg) is distributed on the hill.  In the lowland, terrace sediment is distributed on flat plane and alluvium sediment is distributed along the river valley.

Visit points

(1) Omiya-Sengen Shrine.  This is start point of the Transport Stones Festival.  Weathered granite crops out.

(2) At summit of Mt Owari-Fuji, chert crops out.

(3) Around Ginmei water spring, granite crops out.

(4) Natural monument Chionanthus retusus

(5) Chert crops out.

(6) Chert is exposed along the path to Mt. Hongu.

(7) Summit of Mt. Hongu.

(8) Sandstone and mudstone are exposed along the mountain road.



].Shin-Unuma, Kagamigahara Line

The geological section is exposed in the riverbank of the Kiso River at east of the Meitetsu Shin-Unuma Station.

Location map

Geological sketch map (Yoshida and Wakita, 1999), showing a frame area of the location map.




Geology along the Hiromi Line under the geological framework of Japan.

Japanese Islands is located in the plate subduction zone, and crustal movement has been active. The record of the past crustal movement is engraved into the geological feature such as strata and rocks.  The history of Japanese Islands for 700 million years can be known by understanding geology. Geology of the Hiromi Line is overviewed based on the history of this Japanese Islands history.


Base of Japanese IslandsAccretionary Complex

The same geological features are elongating in the direction of the Japanese Islands. This elongated distribution which has the same geological features is named "Belt". Each belt is distinguished by adding geographical name, e.g. Mino Belt.  Each belt is the geological unit which is called the accretionary complex and is formed when the oceanic plate sinks in the trench. This accretion phenomena have repeated and Japan has been growing up towards the Pacific.

Jurassic accretion complex is distributed widely from Hokkaido to Kyushu - Okinawa and makes the base of the Japanese Islands. The geological unit over the Mino district and the Kiso district is called Mino Belt or Mino-Tamba Belt which includes Tanba district.

Along the Hiromi Line, Jurassic chert, sandstone and mudstone of the accretionary complex are exposed in Zenjino, Kanigawa and Mitake.  The completed succession of chert, mudstone and sandstone can be observed along the Kiso River, in Shin-Unuma, the Kakamigahara Line.

Cretaceous igneous rocks

Much magma intruded into Japan in Cretaceous, especially late stage, 100 to 65 Ma. A part of the upper crust was eroded due to passing long time since late Cretaceous, and the granitic rocks which deeply emplaced are exposed.

In the Hiromi Line, the Cretaceous granitic rocks are observed along the Mitake route.

Formation of the Sea of Japan

Japan had been a part of the continent until the beginning of Neogene (about 24 Ma).  Dislocation movement happened in the continental margin since this time, and the continent was disrupted. This was the beginning of Japanese Islands formation. With this disruption activity, the igneous activity happened. The volcanic rocks such as basalt and andesite erupted in the wide area of Japan, and dolerite intruded in underground.

In the Hiromi Line, the pyroclastic rocks such as lapilli tuff and tuff are exposed along the Kisogawa River near Kanigawa and Nihonrain-Imawatari Stations. These are products of the igneous activity at formation of the Sea of Japan.

Tokai Lake

The granitic rocks were chemically weathered under much rain and humid climate from late Miocene to Pliocene (10Ma to 3Ma) and changed loose materials (Masa), and a large quantity of clay minerals were generated. The clay was carried out into the downstream by a river at the time. The Tokai Lake was formed, and a large quantity of clay flowed there and formed the clay layer. As a result, the Tokai district (Seto area) has many clay mineral deposits.

The gravel layers are widely distributed at the hill areas around Mitake and Shinkani stations.  It is sediments of the Tokai Lake.



Appendix 1

Rock classification and Geologic time scale

Rock classification Rocks are roughly divided into Sedimentary rocks formed by consolidated sediment deposited in layers, Igneous rocks formed by consolidation of a magma, a hot molten mass formed deep in the Earth, and Metamorphic rocks which are changed from the pre-existing rocks under a different physical condition. 

Sedimentary rocks

Clastic rocks, which are composed of clastic materials transported by mechanical agent.

Coarse-grained: Conglomerate, Breccia/ Medium-grained: Sandstone/ Fine-grained: mudstone

Organic rocks, which are composed principally of the remains of plants and animals. 

Siliceous: Chert, Calcareous: Limestone, Carbonaceous: Coal

Pyroclastic rocks, which are composed of fragmented volcanic products.  For example, Lapilli tuff and Tuff

Igneous rocks Igneous rocks are subdivided into Volcanic rocks and Plutonic rocks.


Ultramafic      Mafic       Intermediate        Siliceous

SiO2 wt. %

40         45           52            63          70       75

Tone of color

Dark   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   Whitish

Volcanic rocks

            Basalt       Andesite       Dacite     Rhyolite

Plutonic rocks

Peridotite       Gabbro       Diorite      Granodiorite   Granite

Metamorphic rocks

Contact metamorphism: Metamorphism related to the intrusion of magmas near the contact.

Hornfels is name of metamorphic rocks produced by contact metamorphism.

Regional metamorphism: Metamorphism response to thermal gradient in an extensive area.

Representative rocks are schist and gneiss.  The former readily splits into thin plate or slabs.

The latter has a banded or coarsely foliated structure.


Geologic Time Scale (Ma=mega-annum, million years ago)


Period (Epoch) 




(66 Ma to today)           

Quaternary (Holocene/Pleistocene)

Neogene (Pliocene/Miocene)

Paleogene (Oligocene/Eocene/Paleocene)

Homo sapiens (0.25 Ma-)

Age of mammals

Age of angiospermae



(252 to 66 Ma)




Age of reptiles

Age of gymnospermae



(542 to 252 Ma)







Birth of the Earth (4600 Ma)


Appendix 2

Geological mapping and Geologic map

The geologic map shows the distribution of rocks and strata with a color and a design on the topographical map. It is a required for mineral prospecting, engineering and disaster prevention.

Preparations for a geological survey: Carry the rucksack containing some materials on your back for being both hands free. The tools for geological mapping are a map, a notebook, writing implements, a hammer, a clinometer and a loupe (or insect glasses). A plastic bag or an old newspaper may be useful for sample collections.

A geological survey: Observe geological feature of strata and rocks. You write down the location name in the notebook and the location point on the map. You write latitude and longitude if you can know. You should measure strike and dip of strata of a sedimentary rock.

Strike and dip: You will distinguish the border of the stratum in difference of grain size and composition. The boundary surface is called a stratification plane. The direction, an intersection of the stratification plane and the horizontal plane is a strike and the angle between two planes is dip.

A geologic map: If there are many strata data, you can draw a geological feature border by freehand. Mostly you presume a geologic border geometrically.


Appendix 3

Manganese ore deposits

Manganese ore deposits, including small mines in the Hiromi Line area, are overviewed for understanding Mineral Resource Economics in Japan.

Mining activities in Japan (Hirowatari, 1980)

In middle of 19th century, manganese was used for dyes, medicine, coloring glass and dry battery.

In end of 19th century to early 20th century, manganese was used for iron and steel manufactures.

During First World War, manganese mining accelerated developing of iron and steel manufactures.

During 1920 to 1924, the mining suffered.

In 1931 (Manchuria Incident) to 1944 (Second War), the manganese mining was golden age.

For example, 340 to 350 thousand tons a year in 1943 and 1944.

In 1945 to 1948, the mining was dull.

In 1950, there is the steel industry demand in Korea disturbance.

From 1958 to 1959, it is 350,000 tons of yearly output, the second golden age again

In the 1960s, the mining production fail to rise by trade liberalization.

In 1973, the mines were closed successively due to the oil crisis,

The manganese mines which we can visit at the present

The Noda Tamakawa Mine, Iwate, is released as a sightseeing mine (Marine Rose Park).

The new Otani mine, Kyoto, is released as a sightseeing mine.

Recent manganese circumstances (JOGMEC 2018)

Manganese use: Most of demand, 97%, are used for deoxidation, the desulfurization of steel materials as raw materials and ferromanganese of the manganese steel.

In addition, manganese is used the anode of a manganese battery and the lithium battery, canned aluminum drink, an alloy and am used for a ferrite magnet.  Potassium permanganate is used for an analysis reagent, organic composition, sterilization, gunpowder and pharmaceutical products.

Production country (2017) unit material 1000 tons

China        25,000

South Africa   14,358

Gabon           4,163

Australian       4,065

Ghana           2,662


Total             61,163

Ore import country for Japan unit 1000 pure tons

South Africa   250.9

Australian     89.9

Gabon           75.1


Total             416.2


Appendix 4 

Underground geological information

The ground information such as drilling columnar sections or the soil quality test data is summarized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism based on investigation data in national land developing projects.  This information site is called KuniJiban.

A search site

Enter the search site "Using ground information site KuniJiban". Then move a map to the target area and point out in detail on extended map.  Bowling data will be appeared from data points.

Along the Hiromi Line, there are many drilling data along Route 41 and Route 21, particularly much near Kani-Mitake IC. A red mark in the map shows the location of drilling. The data ID and investigation outline are shown after clicking the target place. Furthermore, the data in a columnar section can be readable. The depth from the surface to a geological unit can be known, and the iso-depth counter map to the geological unit can be prepared.


Example: South of Mitake Station, Route 21 (ID: B4KJ201801005-1560)

Depth from

surface (m)                   Geology            Abbreviation      Geologic unit

0 1                         soil                  

1 4                         gravel               a or t                Alluvium or Terrace deposits

4 47                 sandstone and mudstone    N1ss                 Nakamura Formation

(20 47)                    often lignite                              interbedded in N1ss

47 48.3                   tuff                   N1v                  Hachiya Formation




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Ground Information site, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.


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Hirowatari, F., 1980, Historical Review of the Studies and Geological Surveys of the Bedded Manganese Ore Deposits in Japan.  Jour. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol., special vol. 2, 151-164.


Itoigawa, J., 1983, USurface Geology, Gifu, Minokamo, Seto in scale 1:50,000.  Aichi Prefecture, 44-61.


JOGMEC (2018)Mineral Resources Flow 2018, 16 Manganese, 1-18.


Kiyono, N. and Ishi, K., 1927, Tajimi.  Geological map in scale 1: 75,000, GSJ.


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Sakamoto, T., Kuwahara, T., Itoigawa, J., Takada, Y., Wakita, K. and Onoe, T., 1984, Geology of the Nagoya-Hokubu District.  Quadrangle Series, scale 1: 50,000.  GSJ, 64 p.


Shinjo, H., Furukawa, K., Orihashi, Y., Hokanishi, N. and Wada, Y. 2018, Zircon U-Pb Ages of Tochibora welded tuff Member at the lowe most part of the Hachiya Formation, in Kani Basin, Gifu Prefecture.  Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, 124, 533-538.


Sudo, S., 2000, Industrial minerals 99 of Tokai area, Central Japan.  Chishitsu (Geology) News, no. 552, 23-29.


Ueki, T., Niwa, M., Iwano, H., Danhara, T. and Hirata, T., 2019, Zircon U-Pb and Fission-track ages for the Ohta Tephra in the Pliocene Tokai Group, Central Japan.  Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, 125, 227-236.


Wakita, K., 1988, Origin of chaotically mixed rock bodies in the Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sedimentary complex of the Mino terrane, central Japan.  Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, 39, 675-757.


Yamada, N., Wakita, K., Hiroshima, T. and Komazawa, M., 1990, Iida (second edition).  Geologic map in scale 1: 200,000, GSJ.


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Geology along Hiromi Line

April 1, 2021

Published by Inuyama Research Center, Nagoya University of Economics

61-1 Uchikubo, Inuyama, Aichi 484-8504, Japan

Bibliographic reference

Inuyama Research Center, Nagoya University of Economics (2021) Geology along Hiromi Line.  Nagoya University of Economics, leaflet.


Staff and charge

Supervision       Adachi, M.

Field survey      Takahashi, Y.

Meitetsu           Itou, H.

Train geology     Fujita, M.

Digital mapping  Naito, K.

Coordination   Nakamura, M.