

(1)   Geological map of Mongolia (1:1,000,000 in scale)

MRAM Geological Survey and MAS Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (1998)

Long., Lat.: (96 00, 44 00), (102 00, 44 00), (96 00, 48 00), (102 00, 48 00)

--- L-47 map (png)

  --- Legend (png)

Please use two windows; one is for geological map, the other is for legend.  New window can be opened by gCtrlh + gNh.


(2) (3) (4) Geology of the Bayankhongol area, Mongolia (Scale 1:200,000)

Explanation Text

   @--- GSJ Open File 344, 1999

(2) Geologic map (L47-9) (98 00-99 00 E, N 46 40-47 20 N)

   @--- GSJ Open File 350, 1999

(2) Geologic map (L-47-10) (99 00-100 00 E, 46 40-47 20 N)

   @--- GSJ Open File 346, 1999

(3) Geologic map (L-47-16) (99 00-100 00 E, 46 00-46 40 N)

   @--- GSJ Open File 347, 1999

(3) Geologic map (L-47-17) (100 00-101 00 E, 46 00-46 40 N)

  @ --- GSJ Open File 345, 1999

(4) Geologic map (L-47-24) (101 00-102 00 E, 45 20-46 00 N)

   @--- GSJ Open File, 348, 1999

(4) Geologic map (L-47-23) (100 00-101 00 E, 45 20-46 00 N)

   @--- GSJ Open File 349, 1999

(5)   Sereenen JARGALAN and Satoshi MURAO (1998) Preliminary study on the characteristics of Tsagaan tsakhir uul gold deposit, Bayankhongor, southern Mongolia.  Bull. GSJ, vol. 49 (6), p. 291-298.  (Detail map near 46 40 N and 100 00 E is shown in Fig.2),

 --- GSJ 48-06 06

(6)   Javkhlan et al. (2013) Metamorphic pressure-temperature evolution of garnet-chloritoid schists from the Lake Zone, SW Mongolia.  JMPS, vol. 108 (5), p. 255-266.  (Detail map around 45 20 N and 98 12 E is shown in Fig. 2).

--- JMPS 108(5) 255

(7)   Boldbaatar Dolzodmaa, Yasuhito Osanai, Nobuhiko Nakano, Tatsuro Adachi (2020): Zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of granitic rocks in central Mongolia.  Mongolian Geoscientist, vol. 23-44.


(8)   Bayasgalan, T., Munkhtsengel, B., Khishigsuren, S., and Khurelbaatar, B. (2021) Geochemistry and geochronology of granitoid rocks of the Taatsiin Gol pluton of the Khangai Complex, Central Mongolia.  Mongolian Geoscientist, 26 (53), 18-36.

Fig. 2 is the geologic map in the area.


Taatsiin Gol pluton of the Khangai Complex (230-256)

The owner of this website (Takahashi) represents a description with the way of Glanzner et al. (2019) and Ishihara (1977).


1-st Diorite; (bt-hbl 5-7, 5, 63-66, 30-35 diorite)

    2-nd granodiorite; (ttn bearing bt-hbl 15-20, 10-15, 30-35, 20-30 granodiorite)

    3-rd; (ttn bearing bt 30, 38-45, 20-25, 5-7 granite)

Granitoids series: Ilmenite series from ilmenite in 2-nd phase and no opaque in 3-rd.

(9)   Pavel Hanžl, Karel Schulmann, Vojtěch Janoušek, Ondrej Lexa, Kristýna Hrdličková, Yingde Jiang, David Buriánek1, Battushig Altanbaatar, Turbat Ganchuluun, Vojtěch Erban (2016) Making continental crust: origin of Devonian orthogneisses from SE Mongolian Altai.  Journal of Geosciences, 61, 25-50. 


(10)            David Buriánek, Vojtěch Janoušek, Pavel Hanžl, Yingde Jiang, Karel Schulmann, Ondrej Lexa, Battushig Altanbaatar (2016) Petrogenesis of the Late Carboniferous Sagsai Pluton in the SE Mongolian Alta.  Journal of Geosciences, 61, 67-92.
