Geology around Ulaanbaatar
----- HTML digest version of Takahashi et
al (2004) ------
Outline of Geology
The area around Ulaanbaatar is geologically included in the northern
domain of Badarch et al. (2002). The area can be divided into the
following units in younging order; the Haraa Group, Hentey Group,
Granitic rocks, Cretaceous lake deposits and Cenozoic sediments (Magic Project,
The Haraa Group occurs in the west to
northwest of Ulaanbaatar. It
extends into the Transbaikal region, Russia. It consists of Cambrian-Lower Ordovician
(to Silurian?) greenschist facies metamorphosed
sandstone, siltstone, argillite, phyllite, schist and
minor conglomerate and tuff. Badarch et al. (2002) regarded the Haraa
Group as a backarc/forearc
The Hentey Group crops widely around
Ulaanbaatar. The Hentey Group is Devonian-Carboniferous turbidite
sediments such as sandstone and mudstone.
It includes chert layer and small lenses of
limestone. For the Henty Group many interpretation has been proposed, for
example, an accretionary wedge, part of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic gulf, basin
with an Andean type continental margin, and post-orogenic successor basin on
Caledonian basement (Badarch et al., 2002).
The granitic rocks intrude into the Haraa
Group and Hentey Group. The granitic rocks are divided into
early Paleozoic granite to granodiorite, middle to late Paleozoic granite with minor
diorite masses and late Triassic to early Jurassic granite. Tungsten mineralization is related with
the Triassic to Jurassic granite.
Gold mineralization is controlled by a sub-horizontal shallow structural
zone related to regional faulting due to granite chilling and uplifting
Cretaceous lake deposits are distributed at east of Ulaanbaatar. Coal in the Cretaceous is mined for the
power stations in Ulaanbaatar.
Cenozoic sediments are distributed in lowlands. Clay deposits occur in the sediments and
are mined for producing brick.
Fig. 1 Geological map. Based on Tomurtogoo
ed.(1999) and Magic Project (1998).
Excursion stops
Stop 1 Nalayh
coal mine:
Nalayh town is situated 35 km southeast of
Ulaanbaatar. This area is
geologically composed of Cretaceous lake deposit, which is named Zuunbayan Formation. The coal mine is located in the
southern part of Khentii mountains province. The Zuunbayan
Formation in Nalayh is characterized by shale,
clay-shale, coal, coal-bearing mudstone, siltstone, gravelite
and conglomerate. Thickness of the Formation is 600 m.
Coal-bearing sequence consists of 9 coal-bearing beddings. Total
thickness of the coal layers is 17.67 m. The Coal is mined underground for
a local use.
Stop 2 Baga-nuur
coal mine:
Baga-nuur coal deposit is situated at 110 km
east of Ulaanbaatar. In this area Cretaceous Zuunbayan
Formation is distributed. This
Formation is divided into 3 members:
(1) Lower-member consists of shale,
sandstone and mudstone. Thickness of the member is 250 m. (2) Middle-member is characterized by
mudstone, siltstone, coal, and sandstone. Thickness of it is 280 m. (3) Upper member is composed of coal,
coaly mudstone, mudstone and sandstone. Thickness of the member is 100 m.
The Baga-nuur coal deposit is composed of 23
coal-bearing layers. Thickness of
each coal-bearing bedding is 0.03 to 4.6 m. Total thickness of coal layers is 17.96
Fig. 2 Baganuur
Stop 3 Terelj
Park (Hentey Group and Gorkhi
The Terelj Park is located in about 40 km east
of the Ulaanbaatar. Around the ovoo (Mongolian cairn) near the entrance of Terelj Park, the Hentey Group
crops. It is composed of sandstone
and mudstone with chert beds. Upper Devonian conodont is found from
reddish chert in this point (Kurimoto, unpublished).
The granitic pluton, Gorkhi Granite, is well croped out at the Gorkhi in the Terelji Park. Gerel and Lkhamsuren (1999) described
this granitic mass and pegmatite bodies as following. The biotite K-Ar
age of the Gorkhi Granite is 205-220 Ma. The Gorkhi
Granite is divided into porphyritic coarse-grained biotite granite, equigranular medium-grained granite and porphyritic granite
with fine-grained groundmass. About
800 pegmatite bodies occur in the granite.
In these pegmatite bodies, quartz crystal up to 7.5 tons was found.
Fig. 3 Gorch
Stop 4 Bus -nuur:
Small lake, named Bus-nuur, is seen along road
near Nalayh.
Small hill stands within the lake.
This lake is topographically considered as pingo
remnant, which is periglacial morphology.
Stop 5 Haraa
Along main road from Ulaanbaatar to north area, various Paleozoic strata
are exposed southwards younging. According to Tomurtogoo
ed. (1999), lower Carboniferous, Silurian, and middle
Cambrian to lower Ordovician are distributed from Ulaanbaatar to north in
order. Generally schistose and/or
weakly metamorphosed rocks have been called Haraa Group
Greenish psammitic schist is well exposed near
the marks showing 61 km and 63 km from center of Ulaanbaatar. Laminated coarse-grained sandstone is
exposed near the junction to Bornuur town.
Stop 6 Boroo Gold
The Boroo gold deposit area is located at
about 100 km NNW of Ulaanbaatar and it is underlain by Cambrian-Ordovician
deformed shale, siltstone and fine-grained sandstone of the Haraa
Group and early Paleozoic Boroo granitic
complex. Numerous dacite, rhyolite and aplite dikes intrude both the granitic
rocks and meta-sedimentary rocks in the deposit area.
A sub-horizontal shallow northwest dipping structural zone, the Boroo fault, is interpretated be
the main control for Au mineralization in the Boroo
deposit (Gantsetseg et al., 2003). The Boroo
fault was related to regional thrust faulting caused by granite chilling and
uplifting process. According to Cameco
(2003), this fault would more likely produce detachment faults, rather than thrust
Gold mineralization is divided into two types; gold-sulfide
dissemination type and quartz vein type.
Cameco is now exploring in this area (Through mining, closed as of
2018). According to Gantsetseg et al. (2003), the mineable reserve is
approximately 10 Mt of ore with an average grade of approximate 3.6 g/t
Au. At full capacity Boroo will produce up to 5.5 tones Au per year.
Stop 7 Tsagaan Dawaa Tungsten deposit
Tsagaan Dawaa
deposit is located north-west 80 km from capital Ulaanbaatar. The deposit area
consists of medium to coarse grained biotite bearing porphyritic granite, which
is a part of late Triassic to early Jurassic Tohom massiv. The
granite is cut by north-west striking dikes of granite-porphyries, aplites, felsite and pegmatites. Tsagaan Dawaa tungsten deposit area is located along the Yoroo gol deep fault zone,
therefore the area is cut by northeast striking faults.
Quartz-wolframite veins are distributed at the western and southern part
of the fault zone. The biggest is Vein-1, which locates near the northwest
striking vein (see cover photo of this issue). The vein strikes northwest and
dipping of it is southwest 15 degrees with average thickness of 1.23 m and
average content of W2O3 is 1.65%. Its length on the surface is 80 m. Vein-2 is
located at south of Vein-1. Its
thickness varies from 0.4 to 1.27 m.
Content of W2O3 varies in big range and it reaches up to 3.5-4.8%. Vein-3 strikes southeast. Its thickness ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 m,
and length is 175m. W2O3 content
reaches up to 12.6%. Vein-5 is 175
m in length with 0.2-1.1m thickness.
W2O3 is up to 0.1%.
Greizen zone locates at the southeast part of
the area. It is 25-80 m in length and
0.2-0.6 m in thickness. W2O3
reaches up to 3.5%.
Fig. 4 Tungsten deposits in Tsagaan Davaa Mine
Stop 8 Mt. Bogd:
The Bogd uul Granite
occurs around Mt. Bogd, south of Ulaanbaatar. This Granite intrudes into Devonian to
Carboniferous Hentey Group with discordant
boundary. The Bogd uul Granite is mainly
biotite granite and rarely contains hornblende. It is divided into porphyritic
facies and equi-granular facies (coarse-grained and
fine- to medium-grained).
Previously age of this granite has been thought as Jurassic based on
biotite K-Ar method, but new zircon Pb/Pb age of it shows Triassic (Khishigsuren et al., 2003).
Stop 9 Museum of Geology and Mineral
Resources of Mongolia
The Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources of Mongolia belongs to
School of Geology, Mongolian University of Science and Technology. The museum has three sections;
Geological, Mineral Resources and Minerals. The Geological Section display general
geological samples in Mongolia; sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks
and fossilized fauna and flora. The
Mineral Resources Section demonstrates fuel resources, metallic resources and
non-metallic resources in Mongolia.
The Mineral Section shows all mineral types classified into the
following group; nuggets, sulfides, oxides, silicates, carbonates, phosphates, tungstates, sulfates, fluorides and chlorides.
The exhibition of Precious and Colored Stones displays minerals used as
gems in jewelry: transparent aquamarine, blue and pink topaz crystals, bright
red garnets, multicolored agates, jaspers, chalcedonies, turquoise,
fancy flint, nephrite, and others.
Fig. 5 Museum of Geology and Mineral
Badarch, B., Cunningham, W. D. and Windley, B. F.
(2002) A new terrane subdivision for Mongolia: implications
for the Phanerozoic crustal growth of Central Asia. J. Asian Earth Sci., 21, 87-110.
Cameco (2003) Cameco's exploration history
in Mongolia. Forum Guide in
Discover Mongolia 2003 (International Mining Conference & Investors Forum).
Gantsetseg, O., Cluer, K. and Kotlyar,
B. (2003) Boroo Gold Deposit, Mongolia (Definitive gold
deposit type in North Khentei terrain). Mongolian Geoscientist, no. 21, 44 - 46.
Gerel, O. and Lkhamsuren, J. (1999) The Gorkhi Granite Pluton with miarolic
pegmatites. Excursion Guide,
International Geological Symposium on East Asia, 12p.
Khishigsuren, S., Bombach, K., Tichomirowa,
M. and Munkhbat, B. (2003) New zircon age data of the
Bogd uul Granite, central
Mongolia. Mongolian Geoscientist,
no. 19, 103 - 107.
Magic Project (1998) Geologic map of
Ulaanbaatar, scale1:100,000.
Geological Information Center.
Takahashi, Y., Ichinnorov,
S., Jargalan, S., Khishigesuren,
S. and Lkhamsuren, J. (2004) Geology around
Ulaanbaatar - Field excursion guide for East Eurasian Geological Seminar 2003
-. Mongolian Geoscientist, no.24,
Tomurtogoo, O. editor-in-chief (1999) Geological Map of Mongolia, scale 1:1,000,000. Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia.